I could truly go on for days about all the things to do/not to do with a sunless tan, so I’ll do my best to break down what to avoid in your moisturizers, specifically to make things fairly simply for all of us!

First off, there are some things to be sure to avoid in your moisturizers and in your products. Clearly, we recommend products that we know will help elongate the life of your tan and that’s because we know they do not have some of the following ingredients in them: Mineral Oil, Petrolatum, Parabens, Sulfates, & Artificial Fragrance.

What we know about these is that they will prematurely strip your tan, and things like parabens have been found to possibly cause some cancers. It’s extremely important you know what you’re putting on your skin, because the skin IS the largest organ of the body!

Names like Dove, Dial and/or Olay are items we know for sure to avoid. I have seem some pretty wonky things happen to spray tans when using these products specifically, so just steer clear of those.

So we know what to avoid – what should we LOOK for?

Look for organic ingredients/oils in your products:

Aloe as well as oils like Olive, Argon & Avocado are a good start – these all have great skin care properties, and because they are organic/natural you don’t have to worry about a bunch of chemicals stripping your tan.

If your products have vitamins like vitamin E in them – also a great idea – this also offers skin health, too!

To make it easy on you, we especially  love all of our Sunless By Bombshell product options: Body Wash, Body Scrub, Tan Extenders and coming soon: Self Tanning Mousse! We love these not only because we put our name on them – but they are also Vegan, Cruelty & Paraben Free & derived from Natural Ingredients. (Shop Here!)

I hope this has been informative and helpful to you – if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!


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